Saturday, December 19, 2015

Polish 10th Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej in France - Completed!

Well, it has taken me longer than expected, but I finally completed the 15mm Polish 10th Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej force I started months ago.  The entire force is Battlefront miniatures with the exception of the 4 French 75mm artillery pieces and the 6 R40 tanks which are from Old Glory.  The painting on this has actually been done for quite some time, but anyone who knows me knows that I really dislike basing figures; so the painted figures sat there looking at me...taunting me...until I finally gave in and based them.

I like how this force looks, and enjoyed painting it; I can't wait to get it on the table. I was going to use it in Shifting Sands 2016, but over the summer I started running again.  My weight had gotten up there in the spring and I really wasn't feeling or looking healthy.  It has been 10 years since I ran a half-marathon, and with 50 just a few years off I figured no time like the present.  The good news is that I have lost over 30 pounds...the bad news is that the half-marathon I plan on running is the same weekend as Shifting Sands.  Oh, least the army is done, and here it is:
Company Command with 25mm AT Gun Section
Company Command Mortars (2x81mm & 1x60mm)
1st Platoon (6 Rifle MG teams, 1 VB Grenade Launcher team, Platoon Command team)
2nd Platoon (6 Rifle MG teams, 1 VB Grenade Launcher team, Platoon Command team)
3rd Platoon (6 Rifle MG teams, 1 VB Grenade Launcher team, Platoon Command team)
25mm Anti-tank Gun Platoon 
Machine Gun Platoon
Artillery Battery 1
Artillery Battery 2
20mm Anti-Aircraft Platoon
1st Tank Platoon 
2nd Tank Platoon

Up next I am going to prep some 15mm WWI for Saguaro Painting Service to paint, then work on some other projects...more on that in my obligatory year end/new year post...