Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kickstarter Plunge: By Fire & Sword

Well I finally took the plunge on a "kickstarter".  Earlier today I pledged "The Winged Hussar Retainer Level" for the By Fire & Sword miniatures rules (  I pledged $75 to cover the level of support I wanted along with postage.  Since the merchandise will be shipping from Poland I thought it a decent investment for a 400 page hard cover book.  The book is currently available in Polish, but after doing a small test batch of English copies that were released at SALUTE 2013 the company,, put up a "kickstarter".  You can find out more about and the rules at

Eventhough I have always loved this period and area when it comes to wargaming I had never done a "kickstarter" so I had reservations about the process.  After talking with some friend that had supported other "kickstarter" efforts and following the great write-ups about the rules on the Anatoli's Gameroom blog ( I finally through my support behind it.

Now I just have to wait for the rules.  This will probably push me into building armies for the game...sadly I sold off my Poles and Swedes years ago when I couldn't find any rules that I enjoyed and my gaming interests shifted; I wish I still had them, but this will give me an opportunity to start over and hopefully engage some of the other local players in the game.

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