Monday, January 5, 2009

Armorcast Ruins

Well, I've gotten some flak recently about not doing anything for myself except purging stuff from my to prove my nay-sayers wrong, here's some terrain I've been working on in support of the Gathering in the Desert Lord of the Rings tournament which will be held in February. I'm going to provide the terrain for a 4x4 ruined city representing the beaten and battered city of Osgiliath. I'm using terrain pieces from Armorcast, Pegasus, and Crusader29. I would like to thank Tim K for cutting the bases the building ruins are on. So, here are some of the pieces:
Armorcast ruines and ruined walls
Armorcast ruined cathedral
Another view of the cathedral
Armorcast ruined building
Another set of Armorcast ruins

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