Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Gripping Beast

I've got some Gripping Beast figures in some of my armies like my Late Roman Cavalry, some of my Vikings, and an unpainted Andalusian army. The Vikings and Late Romans are some of their older product and are "ok"...not great, but acceptable. The Andalusians are a bit better. Anyway, after gawking at their Carthaginians both online and at Historicon last time I went and looking at their Teutonics online and their Thematic Byzantines online and in Beyond the Golden Gate I couldn't resist anymore. I bought full Carthaginian, Byzantine, and Teutonic armies from them and I couldn't be happier. I of course won't use their spears as they bend too easily, but the sculpts are wonderful. The Teutonics are great...and I got some of their "late crusader" range to mix in and they look great too. Once I get these taken care of (years?) I'd definitely consider getting more of their new sculpted ranges like the Later Crusaders, Seljuk Turks, and Medieval Russians...
You can see pictures of the Gripping Beast figures at:
And you can purchase them in the US through:


  1. Nice work Tom. Looking forward to seeing some of this in person.


  2. Thanks Hank...Tim came back with a thumbs up from Adepticon. I'm glad I didn't go with the small numbers...hopefully I can go next year and play.

  3. I am going to attempt to make either Historicon or Fall In this year. So if your planning either of those. You might see me.

  4. No, unfortunately no Historicon for me this year...hopefully next year.
