Every year at this time I look back on my hobby goals for the year and look ahead to what the new year will bring. I find doing so gives me a chance to focus on a few things, something which usually fades as I bounce around from project to project...such is life :-)
For 2015 I wanted to play at least one game a week; with 77 total and a record of 43-28-6 I managed that. A great number of games were Pathfinder - Skulls & Shackles, a fun game. We are almost done with that adventure path and will be taking a break from that system for a while, so I will find other things to fill the gap in 2016 and hope to meet the 1 game a week goal again.
I had a good year painting with 374 pieces completed, mostly due to the recently finished Flames of War army I completed. I have plenty of projects to work on including: 2 28mm SAGA armies, 2 28mm Crescent & Cross armies, 28mm WW2 Poles and Japanese SNLF, 15mm Flames of War early war Soviet armor, 15mm American Revolution, 15mm WWI, 15mm Eastern Renaissance, and 10mm ancients. I recently followed my own advice to "do what you want to do" in regards to gaming. For a long time I have wanted to do 10mm ancients/medievals and I finally took the plunge. I divested myself of all of my 15mm ancients & medievals (except for SAGA) and will start on my 10mm project. I really look forward to having a large number of models on a single base representing an entire unit. I will also be contracting out some painting like I always do so that will hopefully speed a few things up for me.
I set a goal of working on my hobby stuff for 182.5 hours in 2015. I fell short of that, but I don't consider it a failure as I had never tracked my time before. My goal for 2016 is simply to just commit more time (no gaming time which wasn't included) than in 2015; a goal that I should be able to accomplish.
As I start 2016 I am prepping some 15mm WWI figures and also have some 10mm troops prepped to serve as a test case to help me figure out my basing. I have lots to do and hope to knock a few things off of my "to do" list in the year ahead. Stay tuned for my irregular updates!